
Blood Pressure Numbers

The ElderThinker

The ElderThinker Tells Us...

High Blood Pressure Can Weaken Arteries

Like the house that Jack built, if the force on your arteries is too high, it creates microscopic tears in the artery walls. Those little tears then form scar tissue. The scar tissue provides a lodging place for bits fat, like cholesterol. Then the bits of fat bind together to form plaque. The plaque builds up just like it does on your teeth, and the inside of your arteries becomes narrower. Less blood can flow through narrowed arteries and your organs suffer because they aren't getting enough blood. In addition, slower moving blood can clot which can completely block the blood supply to parts of your body (like your heart or your brain!)

Know Your Blood Pressure Levels

This is about you and the rest of your life. It's definitely not about your nagging spouse or the worried look on the nurse's face when she takes your blood pressure in the doctor's office. It's your body and what's going on inside it is under your control.


Your doctor may give you some medications to lower your blood pressure or control your cholesterol, but is just isn't right to depend on meds for a solution. You need to limit your alcohol consumption if you drink, stop smoking if you smoke, get at least six hours of huff and puff exercise a week, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.


If you have pain or other limitations in your body that makes it difficult to exercise then ask your doctor for a prescription to see a physical therapist. You will be amazed at how much exercise you can actually do, and you will also learn how to care for painful joints or other problems. A long healthy life for you depends on this. Don't wait.


EMTs caring for man lying on sidewalk
blood pressure report

Top Number, Bottom Number

Systolic (Top Number)

When your heart beats, the force creates

pressure on the arteries.

Normal Below 120 mm Hg
Borderline 120-139 mm Hg
Stage 1 140-159 mm Hg
Stage 2 160+

mm Hg = millimeters of mercury

The pressure as your blood pushes past

the pressure cuff.

Diastolic (Bottom Number)

Pressure when heart rests between beats.

Normal Below 80 mm Hg
Borderline 80-89 mm Hg
Stage 1 90-99 mm Hg
Stage 2 100+ mm Hg

mm Hg = millimeters of mercury

The pressure as your blood pushes past

the pressure cuff.

Pulse (Heart Rate) At Rest

Normal 60-100 bpm
Slow below 60 bpm
Fast Above 100 bpm

bpm = beats per minute